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Premiera Raportu Made in Poland 2024

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ESG w ALTO – Ewa Solarz pokieruje nową linią biznesową

1 czerwca 2018

ALTO joined over 90 international colleagues from 31 countries in Prague for Alliott Group’s Europe, Middle East & Africa Conference


A record 93 delegates attended Alliott Group’s 2018 EMEA Regional Conference in Prague (9-11 May) which covered a range of business improvement topics such as leadership, talent management and marketing, but also the latest international developments in tax, the law and regulatory issues.

The firm’s representatives returned from the conference with not only stronger personal relationships with their professional counterparts in different cities across the world, but also with strategies and insights into how the firm can:

  • Capitalise on the unique value proposition we offer to local companies and private individuals who want a ‘whole service’ or ‘one-stop-shop’ approach to procuring professional advice across different countries internationally
  • Truly partner with our clients as equals and provide advisory services that show a real understanding of their business
  • Compete to attract the best local talent and future-proof our firm and the business of our clients
  • Contribute further to clients’ business and personal success and be the source of new idea
  • Continue to develop specialist niches so that we anticipate and meet the needs of our clients even more effectively
  • Embrace technology to increase transparency and efficiency with our clients and enhance the service experience.

With the deadline for compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) fixed for 25th May 2018, our professionals have acquired vital information from expert consultants on how to advise business clients on the practicalities involved in being ready for GDPR. Significant changes to the US tax system were also outlined by our US colleagues and contextualised for those clients who have operations, investments or property held in the US.

With firm representatives also contributing to specialist meetings of the alliance’s International Tax, Legal, M&A, Global Mobility and Private Wealth groups, our firm is in a prime position to source specialist expertise wherever in the world it is needed for clients needing access to experts in these complex, interrelated areas.
ALTO comments: “Participation in international conferences enables ALTO to advise more effectively those of our clients who are doing business internationally. Our investment in sending people to alliance events ensures that ALTO is taking steps to future-proof the firm and the business of our clients.”

About Alliott Group

Founded in 1979, and with some 150 member firms in 61 countries, Alliott Group (www.alliottgroup.net) is an award winning international alliance of independent accounting and law firms that need access to a larger resource base on an international basis to develop reputation, visibility and new business. Alliott Group provides services to help its member firms position themselves as the ‘go to’ firms in their local markets for businesses and private individuals with multi-market business interests.

1 czerwca 2018

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