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Risk Advisory – ALTO z nowym Partnerem i nową linią biznesową

Risk Advisory – ALTO z nowym Partnerem i nową linią biznesową

Premiera Raportu Made in Poland 2024

Premiera Raportu Made in Poland 2024

Raport BEAS – potencjał biznesowy Lublina

Raport BEAS – potencjał biznesowy Lublina

ESG w ALTO – Ewa Solarz pokieruje nową linią biznesową

ESG w ALTO – Ewa Solarz pokieruje nową linią biznesową

1 czerwca 2020



Sylwia has several years of valuable experience in accounting, management reporting (IFRS, US GAAP) by servicing international corporations, domestic companies and private equity firms and helping them to enter the Polish market. She supported clients operating in many sectors, however her main area of specialization is real estate, IT/ advanced technology and services. She was engaged in key real estate transactions conducted in CEE region by European, Asian or US investors. She regularly takes part in local and international events, seminars or conferences having a speaker role. Sylwia is also a licensed tax advisor.


Sylwia previously worked for well-known organizations like Vistra, GE Power Controls and Rossmann.


ALTO Accounting is a rapidly expanding team of specialists supporting clients in everyday work in the accounting and payroll area. To meet the growing interest and demand for outsourcing we invest in team’s development on a regular basis and we invite other experts to cooperation. A serious advantage of ALTO Accounting is continuous implementation of IT / automation solutions to streamline accounting processes and offer new features to clients.


Nowadays ALTO Accounting provides services for both large companies and smaller entities. Our clients represent various lines of business: IT, real estate, manufacturing, transport. Thanks to close cooperation with ALTO Tax and ALTO Legal experts, ALTO Accounting is well equipped to realize complex projects, including both tax and legal aspects.

1 czerwca 2020

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