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23 July 2024

July integration in Łochów


When the thermometer hit full summer mode, the ALTO teams from Warsaw and Lublin decided to see #ALTOgether if the grass is really greener on the other side of the desk. So, we found ourselves in picturesque Łochów. The goal? To get to know each other beyond the screen of a monitor!

It turns out our team has even more hidden talents than we suspected—ranging from athletes who could take on the Olympics to artists who could give Picasso a run for his money. Who would have guessed that our HR colleague crafts beautiful pottery, and our tax specialist is a natural volleyball player?

There were so many activities that we would have needed to extend our stay by a few days to try them all. For sports enthusiasts, there were kayaking (with some intense competition, though some participants chose a more leisurely approach), volleyball (where everyone could feel like Bartosz Kurek… at least until the first contact with the ball), and yoga (because flexibility is useful not just for scheduling meetings). Those who preferred less intense activities or a mix of both could unleash their creativity with painting, clay modeling, or macramé weaving. We’re starting to think it might be time to consider our own mini gallery…

The trip also provided plenty of opportunities for celebration. Alongside team-building activities, there were the results of our ALTO Spot Awards, a regular competition recognizing a few individuals who best embody our values. Congratulations once again to the winners!

But that’s not all. The evening was filled with activities too—an official dinner, a barbecue, a bonfire, guitar sing-alongs (yes, the same virtuoso you might have met in our MeetALTO series), karaoke for the brave, and dancing for the energetic.

And although no one was eager to pack up and returning to reality proved challenging (it turns out kayaking uses different muscles than working at a laptop, and “gentle stretching” might not be so easy), we can’t wait for the next opportunity!

Because we love being #ALTOgether🙌

integracja zepsołu alto folwark łochów kajaki integracja zepsołu alto folwark łochów siatkówka integracja zepsołu alto folwark łochów makramy

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